“Entrepreneur +: Exploring Entrepreneurship beyond Concepts” is an Erasmus + project (Key Action 2 – Partnerships for Cooperation) that aims to increase the capacity of youth workers to deliver qualitative learning programs and activities fostering entrepreneurial competencies among young people through a set of four innovative tools and methods developed within the project. It lasts 20 months and is implemented between January 2022 and August 2023.

The project is implemented by Centrul de Voluntariat Cluj-Napoca in partnership with Associazione di promocione sociale Joint (Italy), Backslash (Spain) and Gemeinsam leben und lernen in Europa e.V. (Germany) and benefits from 103,730 funding from the European Commission’s Erasmus + program.

Status: ongoing

The results of the project include the creation of various intellectual products such as: a board game for the development of non-formal learning contexts “Future Entrepreneur”, two handbooks and training curricula “From idea to business”, respectively “How to finance your own volunteering project “and a set of 15 videos “How to – Business Plan ”. Other activities include conducting a business plan competition with at least 40 participants, organizing an international training on entrepreneurship with 24 participants from 4 countries, conducting 4 local volunteer projects involving at least 40 young people, organizing 8 multiplier events with the participation of at least 300 youth workers.

The products developed are aimed at youth workers and people who work directly with young people based on their workplace (teachers, staff of non-governmental organizations, etc.). The project actively involves in various activities young people interested in entrepreneurship from the partner countries.


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