European Voluntary Service

Grow by travelling

What is the European Voluntary Service?

Joint Association coordinates at international level the communitarian project called European Voluntary Service – better known with its acronym EVS – to send and receive Italian and foreign volunteers. EVS offers to communitarian citizens the opportunity to experience a volunteering period in a non-profit body, association or organization in a EU country.


The programme is fully funded by the European Union. Volunteers get room and board and a monthly pocket money.


All the young people citizens of the European Community between the age of 18 and 30.


There are two kinds of EVS: Long Term and Short term. The former lasts 6 to 10 months, while the latter lasts 2 months.

What is EVS about?

Watch the videos of volunteers who travelled with EVS short term Voluntube

EVS combines growth and reflection – typical of any volunteer activities – with international training: it is a unique experience, a great performance at individual growth level and it is also highly experimental because of the constant cultural comparisons.

An experience that will change your life

  • Thanks to EVS and Erasmus+ Programme young people get in touch with realities that otherwise would have been faraway from them and difficult to be discovered

    Federico, 26 years old
  • I had never been in Africa and I'm happy that I visited it for my very first time thanks to EVS, because it allows you to get in touch with the culture and people of another country. You'll never be a tourist.

    Elisabetta, 29 years old
  • EVS allows you to make friends all over the world. Nothing is more beautiful than see yourself in someone else who is totally out from your reality.

    Stella, 21 years old


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