STATUS: Approved and ongoing


YOUCAN (Youth With Migrant Drop-Out Tackling: Capacity Building) is an Erasmus+ KA2 project aiming to contribute to trigger the modernisation and strengthen the response of education, training and youth policy systems, considering the main challenges provided by migrant youth drop-out and social exclusion, building the capacity of the consortium to work at transnational level and with a cross-sectoral approach.

The project foresees the achievement of the following results:

  1. open synergies and strengthened cooperation between local organisations/partners active in the field of education, training and youth or other socio-economic sectors, strengthening collaboration between all actors within schools, as well as with families and other external stakeholders;
  2. increased allocation of financial resources (other than EU funds) to organise EU/international projects in the field of education, training and youth;
  3. increased quality in the preparation, implementation, monitoring and follow-up of EU/international projects and increased capacity and professionalism to work at EU/international level (improved management skills and internationalisation strategies).

In order to achieve its aims, the project foresees the implementation of several activities:

  1. 3 Transnational Project Meetings in Turin (Italy), Brussels (Belgium) and Milan (Italy);
  2. 6 Organisation-to-Organisation (O2O) Trainings during which a participant will take part in a week’s training in another organisation of the consortium;
  3. 6 Local Multiplier Events and 1 Final Multiplier Event in Portugal, Italy, Spain, Greece and Belgium;
  4. 1 Learning, Teaching, Training event to train participants in the use of the Toolkit.

The final outputs of the project are:

  1. Publication of Best Practices YOUCAN: to identify best practices from projects that focused on the importance of cross-sectoral cooperation to address the problem of early school leaving of migrant youth.
  2. Publication of the YOUCAN Toolkit: the toolkit will train members of participating organisations to increase quality in the preparation, implementation, monitoring and follow-up of EU/international projects and to increase their capacity and professionalism to work at EU/international level with a better understanding of project cycle management.

Project partners

Associazione Joint
Red Incola
2nd Vocational School of Katerini

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