Work Camps

Travel, work, help.

What is a work camp?

We can give them different names: work camps, volunteering camps, international solidarity camps. You can call them as you want, but the result is always the same. They are volunteering experiences including different activities: restoration, English teaching, non formal education, sustainable building…

Campi di lavoro

Who can participate?

If you are older than 18 years old you can participate to any Work Camp in the European Community. If you are older than 21 years old you can also participate to Work Camps all over the world with no age limits.

Where do the Work Camps take place?

Every year the Work Camps proposed by Joint Association involve more than 80 countries all over the world, including almost all the continents: Europe, Asia, Africa and South America.


Do Work Camps have a cost?

Yes, they do. Even if Work Camps are volunteering activities, it is a cost to organize, manage, supervise, equip them and arrange for all the necessary insurances. We suggest you to visit the project specific section and to get informed about costs prior to applying.

Why to participate?

Work Camps are a great opportunity to travel responsibly, know new people from all over the world, develop your own skills in a specific area of interest, without renouncing to enjoy the camp itself.


More than 200 opportunities on our website every year

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